Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hegemony in Society

   This post is not intended to offend anyone but it is only observing the concept of hegemony in the dominant religion of christianity in society. Since as early on as the 1st century christianity has been a major influence on the world. It is an understanding of how we got here, who brought us here and why were on this earth. Not going back too far an example of its dominance is looking on the list of presidents we have had and their choice in religion. Some if not most have been christian and their views on religion sometimes impact their decisions for the country and in their speeches we see in the media we get a sense of their views and it pushed us towards their religion subliminally sometimes.
   I was looking at a commercial earlier on youtube that caught my attention. It was actually pretty funny but the message could not have been more serious. It is a parody of the apple vs. pc commercials that intend to make mac seem like the better computer. This one is called christian vs. atheist and it announces the ideals in which we grew up that were related to christianity. It shows us that a lot of things are related to the devil and it in fact makes us feel guilty about what we do in our everyday lives pushing us all ultimately into the christian religion. The framing you see in the commercial gives you the feeling that any other religion is inferior to christianity or the "mac" in this case. At first you get a taste of what is bad about being an atheist and what you shouldnt follow and the audience now looks at atheism in a different way almost making you feel bad if you are one. Then they joke around about the differences but strikingly similarities in the beliefs in atheism and christianity. Even though they are trying their hardest to make them look equal it is quite clear that religion of christianity is the dominant "winner" because thats how we have always seen it to be.
    The framing and agenda setting in the commercial makes you want to rethink the religion you follow and it controls your opinion and sometimes even makes it for you. People are so easily influenced by the media whether they believe it or not. even when you turn on radio there are more channels that express christian views than any other type of religion. 

By the way i am a christian and these commercials are really funny there are more than this one..

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