There are many examples of three act structures and i chose to write about an old movie that really hits home with a lot of teenage girls. The first act of a movie usually introduces the characters and it is no different with the movie Mean Girls. In the first act they introduce Cady, a sixteen year old who grew up in Africa who moves to the suburbs and starts a normal high school life in the states. There she meets the plastics, the cool clique in school, and they ask her to sit with them. This incident leads to cady confesssing her crush on a "plastics" ex boyfriend and the number one plot point in the act is when that plastic steals the guy away from Cady which leads to conflict. This act last around 30-35 minutes.
The next act structure usually includes an action that will ultimately lead to the climax in the third act. In the case of Mean Girls, Cady has a revelation when she overthrows the "plastic" as queen bee. She throws a party forgetting all of her old friends and they call her out on being one of the "mean girls" nobody likes.
This act is usually the longest and the most detailed lasting for 45--50 minutes.
The third and final act structure includes the climax of the movies or the lesson that has to be learned. In Mean Girls, Cady is given the cold shoulder at school and she decides she does not care about popularity and joins a local math club. She goes to competition and she has an epiphany about the way teenagers let their ranking at school rule their lives and she win the competion. She goes back to school and there everyone forgives her as she gives a speech about all that she has learned and accomplished. This act lasts for 25-30 and is the final act of the movie. Below is a clip of the movie!
Mean Girls
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