Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Evaluation!!

Well i had never even READ a blog before this class and i usually never had time to check any out so this was my first time reading and writing blogs and i thought it was very educational. I actually am thinking of starting one soon because i feel that they help you express your opinions without being judged by anyone and it allows you to think before you speak and put your thoughts where everyone can see them. The only thing i had trouble with was the uploading of different links but once i got the hang of it i wanted to upload any and everything i thought was relevant to the blog topics for each week! One example of a blog topic i thought was very interesting was the hybridization and glocalization of cultures. I had the chance to read a lot of my peers blogs and i had no idea the magnitude and effect of cultures coming together and the effect our own culture has on the countries around us. None of the topics were difficult because reading other peoples blogs helped me better understand the concepts discussed in lectures. I definitely would recommend using a blog for future courses but i really do believe they make a difference in understanding key points and that comes in handy when reviewing for tests. The only thing to improve the blogging experience would be to elaborate on the different things you can do in blogs like linking pictures and videos and maybe have a crash course on how to do all of these. Other than that blogging was awesome!!!
"yes you can use my blog in a paper or report"

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